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EACME - European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics

Desde septiembre de 2016 el Instituto de Ética Clinica Francisco Valles forma parte de la Asociación Europea de Centros de Ética Medica (EACME – European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics)

EACME es una red internacional de centros académicos cuyo objetivo principal es promover la investigación y comunicación en el érea de bioética y ética clínica. Desde su fundación en 1985, EACME ha promovido la investigación, el intercambio y el desarrollo de métodos de consulta en ética clínica, a través de su apoyo a estudiantes, profesores e investigadores, así como con la organización de jornadas y conferencias anuales.

EACME persigue promover el debate ético en relación con la práctica clínica, la investigación biomédica y la estructura de los sistemas sanitarios. Para ello, EACME apoya la cooperación intersocietaria, así como el intercambio de profesionales, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

Mediante su participación activa en esta nueva red, el Instituto pretende estimular de manera mas patente proyectos colaborativos de investigación a nivel internacional en el campo de la bioética.


Since September 2016, the “Francisco Vallés” Clinical Ethics Institute is part of the European Association of Centers of Medical Ethics (EACME).

The European Association of Centers of Medical Ethics (EACME) is, since its inception on December 1985, an international research and communication network of academic and non-academic centers which has the aim to promote research, education and consultation in the field of (bio)-medical ethics by way of exchange of information, support of students, teachers and researchers, and organization of annual conferences.

EACME wants to promote and reinforce debate on moral values and ethical theory in relation with health care practice, biomedical research and healthcare systems, from an individual, social and legal point of view. This includes the development of methods and concepts to implement ethical deliberation into daily medical and health care practice. EACME strongly endorses the cooperation with other societies and associations in the field of bioethics, philosophy of medicine and social medicine, both at a national and international level, particularly in regard with ethical deliberation and policy-making.

Through an active participation in this network, our Institute seeks to stimulate novel, collaborative, international research projects in the field of clinical ethics, both by means of private and public initiatives and competitive funding.