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El Instituto en el próximo Congreso de la Red de Bioética de la UNESCO

29 de septiembre de 2016

Congreso de la red de Bioética de la UNESCOEl Instituto estará presente en el próximo Congreso de la Red de Bioética de la UNESCO, del que somos partícipes desde septiembre de 2016. El congreso “UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 12th World Conference” tendrá lugar los días 21, 22 y 23 de marzo de 2017 en Limasol, Chipre. Contará con la presencia de Andrés Arriaga y Diego Real de Asúa como representantes del nuestro Instituto.

La conferencia que impartirá nuestro compañero Andrés Arriaga se titulará The need to redifine ethical standards in psychiatry and mental health, del que es autor junto con Beatriz Moreno, María Cristina Coca y Benjamín Herreros, también miembros del Instituto. Os dejamos el resumen de la misma:

Some of the problems that arise in the ethical debate in psychiatry are common to those of other medical conditions, but a number of factors make more evident the need to integrate the values and the facts in the process of clinical decision making: Cultural, social, theoretical and issues related to the specific relationships between clinician and patients, frame a field that needs to go further the limits that are established by the ethical standards that have been traditionally applied in psychiatry. Therefore, the problems with the diagnosis and the goals and therapeutic means are added to more classically studied standards as the involuntary hospitalization, the confidentiality or the informed consent. Moreover, many of the justice conflicts the arise in the clinical procedures and research or experimentation trials, are constantly showing us that the bioethical standards do not seem to be sufficient to fit in such a vast, subjective and individualized medical discipline.