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2nd International Conference “Medical Review – Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire”

Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire6 y 7 de mayo de 2019

We would like to invite you to take part in the 2nd international conference Medical Review – Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire, which will take place on 7–8 May 2019 in Kraków, Poland.

The conference is organized by the Kraków Medical Society and the Polish Institute for Evidence-Based Medicine, in collaboration with the Department of Bioethics and the Holocaust of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa), the Maimonides Institute for Medicine, Ethics and the Holocaust, the Jagiellonian University, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, and the Polish Association for Spiritual Care in Medicine, under auspices of the European Federation of Internal Medicine and the American College of Physicians.

The aim of the conference is to educate the world’s medical community about the violations of medical ethics during the Second World War, with special focus on the behavior of physicians and other medical professionals in Nazi medical institutions and concentration camps or other places of imprisonment, and the ethical implications of Nazi medicine for contemporary medical practice and healthcare policy.

For more information, including the program, please see the attached leaflet and visit

Download the leaflet